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2022-02-13 - 5:29 p.m.

Whilst having a cigarette on the side porch tonight, I saw the footprints in the snow. They were deep indicating the heavy weight of the person who left them. Judging from their position the individual seemed to drag their right foot slightly. They came from the house which sits behind mine and stopped at the shoveled walkway that runs alongside my home. A perfect location to catch a peek through my windows.
These tracks did not exist in the daylight and obviously happened sometime after 6 pm tonight. I can only assume that the streetlights in front of my house allowed them no protection from my view, so they opted to park somewhere on the block behind me and sneaked up to get a glimpse of my position.
The next part only concludes that the perpetrator is either brazen or stupid being that the tracks reveal that they were there. That’s the section I can’t figure out. Racking my brain, I have narrowed it down to five separate ne’er-do-wells that would wish to kill me. So now I tackle the task of figuring out who my assailant is going to be.
Two of the people who wish me dead are women, so I imagine they Lady Macbeth-ed some pasty into doing their dirty work. The indentations are too sizable for a woman’s foot. The trick here is guessing if either one of them still had the ability to convince a man to murder.
The third person is a small man of color and basing information entirely on statistics the crime would involve essentially no planning and I would already be dead because they simply would have fired at me haphazardly through my window.
This narrows it down to suspects four and five. Two incongruous characters both seeming to me to be mental defectives. Number four, a person who has failed at attempted murder twice before but possibly was successful at it a few months ago, and number five, a known psychotic whom I believed to have murdered someone this summer. If my summations are correct, they are now on a path of homicide since they got away with it the first time.
Someone is trying to kill me, and I’ve felt this way for quite some time now. This is why I have refused to reveal my current location to anyone. I’ve been suspicious and now due to recent developments have been connecting the lines and grafting maps. Far too many coincidences have arisen. Strangers from the past reaching out to reconnect for no feasible reason, conversations started then suddenly dropped and erased, phone calls that make no sense. Peculiar behavior has been rearing its head in all directions. The severing of ties lest not to leave a trail.
I know a plethora of unsavory folks and the assortment of wretchedness they surround themselves with is even more nefarious. The assault could come at any time or any day for that matter, I just feel the hour is nigh.
I’ve altered my sleep patterns to no schedule of predictability. Sometimes I turn all of the lights off even though I’m home. I’m not going to make it easy for them, that is certain. My only recommendation to them is to do it quickly because leaving me any moment to retaliate and thy will be done.
Come along though if you hear the music and feel like dancing. And by all means make sure to roll in numbers, you wouldn’t want to give me a fighting chance.



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